dd website is live now!

dd website is live now!
December 24, 2010 by Dropndot Solutions |
  • dropndot

At last we have lived our own website. I would like to thank all who worked to live this site though they were always busy with client’s project. Thanks to Milon bahi, Jibon bhai, Amal da, Sarwar bhai, Jitu and Kanak for their valuable contribution. It was really hard to find some time to work on our website beside client’s job.

This is still on beta phase. We are working with content, images and adding some features to make it more attractive. I hope within few days we can complete all.

Last few months we have done lots of websites, application for our clients but I know our portfolio is not showing those. As an offshore service provider we are committed to our clients not to disclose most of the projects which makes our portfolio poor.

We are committed to offer our services with professionalism, quality and efficiency.

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