No mercy for non writer

No mercy for non writer
February 11, 2011 by Dropndot Solutions |
  • dropndot

Usually we are lazy about writing. We always find a way to escape. But now, there is no way to escape. A new rule has been introduced at dropndot, “no mercy for non writer”. Every person has to write on regular basis. Personally, I appreciate this very much. I believe every person has the scope to write from his professional experience.

In professional life every day we face various problems. Not only we face problem, we also find solutions for that problems. We can easily write article on that topics. That could be simple but may not be simple for others.

On yesterday I fix a problem on Bangladesh Cricket Board web site. It’s still on development stage. Hope it will be live very soon. Actually it is not a problem. Some guy’s still using IE6 browser and we are bound to give cross-browser support to our clients. On ie6 browser dropdown navigation was going under other containers. I immediately set z-index properties to bring it top. But I noticed it’s still going under some containers which I set properties as position relative. I was thinking what to do. Then I find a solution for this.

To solve this problem, I have to set navigation properties position as absolute which is relatively position from its top prior hierarchy. And navigation needs to set z-index higher than others. I know you may still problem to understand this. For better understanding you can see the html coding structure of Now it’s working fine in all browsers including ie6.

In this way, a non writer can save himself and he will not call lazy writer anymore. At the end best wishes for happy writing and let’s say “no mercy for non writer”.

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